Six things we learned from #12Chatsofbusiness

Amaiz has a host of expert insight from every part of the business arena to share throughout 2021. It all began with the 12 Chats of Business.
We powered into 2021 with business experts. Our #12ChatsofBusiness series was a stunning start to the year, drawing together 12 experienced voices to provide insight from different industries and verticals at a challenging time.
We talked to experts across the fields of investment and procurement, sustainability and remote working, branding and mental health. You can catch the series here or wherever you subscribe to your favourite podcasts. These are insight-packed chats for business owners at every stage of their journey, with predictions for the year ahead.
What are the top things we learned?
1. Business plans are important, but they're also live documents - Darryl Bannon on investment.
Don't fret about rushing your BP or setting a harsh deadline - just keep tapping away. And as you tinker, keep your plan close - it's as useful for your internal use as it is for attracting external investment.

Hear more from Darryl about different investment types, including impact investment, and what every new business owner should consider when they're ready for the next step.
2. You don't need to spend big on market research - David Gluckman on brand and product.
Some companies focus on market research at the expense of expertise and, it's often only moderately useful. You might even find you glean 90% of what you need from one focus group, so don't overdo it.

David brings his vast experience in product and brand to the Amaiz Podcast, with plenty of great anecdotes. Hear the full chat.
3. Casual stand-ups are a hugely important tool for monitoring employees' mental health - Wizzy Magnussen on mental health in the workplace.
Especially while we're all working remotely, regular check-ins help regulate emotional support and humanise business.

Hear Wizzy's insight into this hugely important topic. It's been a tough year, and things are still very precarious. She has excellent tips for managers and explains why communication is tremendously important.
4. "Right time, right place" comes from building connections - Ian Silverstein on Entrepreneurship.
It may be an entrepreneurial spirit that makes you say 'why not?' to an idea, but it's often relationships that create the opportunity in the first place. It's more important than ever in the age of remote working.

Hear more from Ian, a serial entrepreneur and creative thinker, who shares his invaluable experience of building businesses from scratch, scaling them, and expanding them in other countries. That's alongside those happy accidents that lead to new opportunities... Great tips for entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey.
5. The Hospitality sector isn't just robust; it's a leader - Debbie Dale on HR and Furloughing.
Able to adapt at short notice, always creative in a crisis, it can teach other industries a lot about collaboration and communication.

"Queen of Furlough" Debbee talks is through the massive changes the Covid-era has brought to HR and why she's hugely optimistic about the future.
6. Successful remote working is about rhythm - Tom Ball on Remote Working.
We all need to look after the rhythm of the individual, the team and the company for remote working to be really successful.

Tom Ball talks to the Amaiz Podcast about the 10 years of change that's arrived to remote and flexible working over the past 12 months.
The Amaiz Podcast is available at all good platforms, including Apple, Spotify and Google.
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