How to protect your small business from cybercrime


Ahead of We Fight Fraud Live on 28 April , download our guide to cybersecurity, from hardware to malware, passwords to phishing attacks...

The Amaiz App is built for security as much as support, giving small businesses owners peace of mind as they concentrate on growing their trade. Our users can rely on the following to keep their account secure, without having their time consumed with endless verification. How does Amaiz keep you safe?

  • We don’t store authentication factors on mobile devices in any readable form, so your account isn’t compromised even if your mobile device is.
  • TLS certificate pinning provides additional verification that prevents man-in-the middle attacks. So you don’t need to worry about anyone secretly cutting between you (or your phone) and Amaiz server if your device is connected to public or weak WiFi networks.
  • We've implemented an augmented password-authenticated key agreement protocol - that means an eavesdropper cannot obtain enough information to be able to brute force your secure code.
  • You don’t need to worry about the effects of a Trojan virus on your device either. Any virus that ‘listens’ to your internet or sms traffic won’t compromise your account because:
  • Our Server endpoint checks the signatures of significant HTTP request from your device, so it’s difficult to reproduce or tamper with a payment transaction request.
  • We don’t believe that SMS is sufficiently safe for verification so we don't fully rely on it. We’ve combined it with the latest voice biometrics for security and experience.

Our browser-based Amaiz Web ties in all the measures above by using verification from the mobile app. That’s much safer than SMS authentication. We’ve also made sure that a Strict Content Security Policy is in place, so any malicious scripts in your browser, add-ons or extensions will have a tough job impacting your banking experience.

In addition, we have state of the art defences on the server side, but that's a topic for another time. Download our comprehensive guide on the left and trial Amaiz to experience business services that are supportive and secure.

Download the guide and join us at We Fight Fraud Live on 28th April for more on cybersecurity, Amaiz security and compliance measures, and what companies should be doing to protect themselves during lockdown. Register your place now.